room 009/Düsseldorf, 2014
Dr. Oetker Götterspeise Waldmeister, gelatin, Guinnes World Records certifikat, plexi DC, MDF
Photo credits: Miriam Schwedt, Wendelin Bottländer
The concept of AMBROSIA OFFICIALLY AMAZING was to cast the largest „Götterspeise“ jello and to achive a Guinness World Records Titel to receive my final exam at the Academy of Fine Arts Düsseldorf. Both the sculpture and the certificate were presented at the annual exhibition of the Academy.„The grean, slippery ‘Götterspeise‘ in XXL fomat is to be regarded as an ironic contribution with reference to a society in which people count as sales markets and the art market serves as entertainment zone. It subordinates to the giganto-mania like everything else“ (Saskia Zeller perphere.de)
Throughout my latest works, my interest in experimenting has grown continuously.This resulted in projects that each had their own conceptual idea as well as a degree of unpredictability. It is largely unknown and uncertain how, for instance, 15m3 packing chips, 3.5 tonnes of flour or half a tonne of winegum-jelly-mass, will behave once you force them into your concept. Admittedly, this uncertainty and the risk of the unknown drive me enormously. Furthermore, the satisfaction and joy are more intense when a vision gains indepen-dence, becomes uncontrollable and what finally turns out is absolutely aesthetically convincing.